Thursday, June 23, 2016

How MDF Asia assisted Care Cambodia in attracting an EC grants

CARE Cambodia has been active to work through and with NGOs, CSOs and CBOs to improve the accountability and transparency of service delivery by the sub-national government in Cambodia. CARE Cambodia has attracted a grant from the European Commission for this purpose. The European Commission in Cambodia is supporting the Government of Cambodia with strengthening sub-national democratic development processes. The EC works together with the National Committee for Democratic Development (NCDD) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to strengthen the democratic accountability of the sub-national government. The European Commission had issued a Call for Proposals to financially support alliances of NGOs and CSOs who could implement the “Social Accountability Framework (SAF)”, which is a government adopted approach for promoting “democratic development processes” through capacity building projects for community groups. These projects would lead communities to become more aware and more vocal about the timely and efficient delivery of government services by the Government authorities in Cambodia.

CARE Cambodia invited MDF to assist with the preparation of the concept note and full proposal to be submitted to the European Commission. To do so, MDF organized a mini-workshop with the CARE staff to clarify the logical framework, and worked with CARE staff to draft the final submission. CARE was awarded the contract.

Similarly, CARE Cambodia was also active in strengthening the labor rights of female construction workers in Cambodia. With CARE taking a lead and coordinating an alliance / technical working group composed of 2 CSOs (CWPD, LSCW) and the Trade Union, the project purpose is to improve the working conditions on construction sites, as well as raise awareness among female construction workers on their rights and enhance their voice through advocacy on their rights, and seeking access to increased protection and better working conditions at the workplace.

Due to the success of the previous assignment with CARE, MDF was again requested to facilitate and draft the submission of the proposal to the European Commission. After a series of meetings between the Cambodian CSOs and the Trade Union, CARE and MDF consensus was reached on the details of collaboration and partnership. The logical framework, and the full proposal were drafted and submitted, leading to the 2nd award from the EC to CARE in 2015.

MDF is actively supporting NGOs and CSOs with drafting proposals for submission to the European Commission. Koen Toonen, Director MDF Asia Vietnam regional branch office, has successfully supported and drafted proposals for submission to the European Commission. He works closely with colleagues at the MDF Brussels office, which are fully up to date on the policies and approaches by the EC.

Want to know more? 

Author Name: Koen Toonen Director/Senior Trainer & Consultant at MDF Asia Vietnam Office

Contact our expert at MDF and let us help you! Mr. Toonen has delivered workshops on “Successful EC proposal writing” to various clients. He worked for over 22 years with various United Nations agencies, and is driven by helping communities and community based organisations thrive, through direct support to these communities and (local) governments. He helps organisations, projects, programmes and advocacy initiatives in finding sustainable solutions. He has worked extensively on rural development and local governance issues, also in (post-)conflict areas, and has specifically focused on poverty – environment linkages, and advocated for mainstreaming environmental management issues into development planning processes.

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